Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Gone But Not Forgotten

We did not have a bunch of our usual volunteers today. A lot of them had gone on the mission trip to New York and some others were on vacation but we wanted them to know they may be gone but they were not forgotten! We still got all of the work done, it just took longer than it would have without all of those missing volunteers.
 Above Shirley, Ron, Vonnie and Eva Jean are busy opening mail while below mom and Kathy were our only readers. 

 Marvin is busy putting on stamps while Chuck is applying labels and George is opening mail. 

 While we were busy stuffing envelopes this nice lady stopped in from the church of the Brethren to pick up Bible studies for grading. Below Bill, the director of Berean is busy preparing to take home all the supplies to wrap the Bibles for this week. 
Thankfully we got all of the work done today and Bill is going to do tomorrow's work at his house. I am leaving on vacation and won't be back until the first Tuesday in August. There WILL be work next TUESDAY at this office, Ruth has offered to bring in the mail and Vonnie offered to bring the lunch.

Tuesday, July 18, 2017


Our day today at the Berean office was absolutely wonderful. We had a lot of volunteers, all willing to help and help was needed today. Below are a few pictures of the work. Below is the start of opening the mail.

 Meister's sent a pallet of Bibles around 9:40 am, Joan, Robin and Ruth got the entire pallet unloaded while Mark supervised. We needed to get about 15 boxes wrapped and ready for mailing today.
 Below Kathy and Dave are busy reading the letters.
 Below the group is working on the studies. 
 Most of the volunteers working on this table were stuffing, wrapping and labeling Bibles but Kathy is actually writing to a prisoner. We get some requests that need to be answered before we send a Bible. 
 As soon as the Bibles were finished, the envelopes were stuffed with the next set of studies for mailing out. The amount of work that got done today was just amazing. 
 Marvin and Ron are catching up on news from their area of the world in the picture below. 
 In the picture below some of the volunteers are finishing up the Bibles while the others are stuffing envelopes. 
 Vonnie is busy working on the silver series. 
 We took a break for lunch, below some of the group are eating in one room and some in the other. 
 Bill and Joan arrived with some guests. 
 Below Bill is discussing the meter machine coming with Mark and Marvin and where to put it. 
We were able to get all of today's work done, all of tomorrow's work done AND all of Thursday's work done with the amount of great volunteers that came in today. SO very thankful for everyone that showed up today to help. 

Thursday, July 13, 2017

Ran Out

We had almost 200 requests for Bibles but only had 160 left in the Berean office. Another pallet load will be delivered on Tuesday so hopefully we can get some strong muscles in to help unload at 9:00 am then. Edie, Roma, Robin and I easily got the 160 stuffed, wrapped labeled and loaded.

Thankful these ladies are willing to drive in on Thursdays to help get the Bibles out to waiting prisoners. These requests come in from all over the United States.

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Tuesday's News on Wednesday

So this post is a day late.  We had quite a time at the Berean office. A storm was dumping copious amounts of rain as the mail was being picked up. When we opened the door to the Berean office we could hear the sound of rushing water. The water heater in the bathroom had popped it's top (what ever that means) and was pouring water out at a high rate. Robin quickly shut off the water then when Marvin and Mark K arrived they fixed the water heater. The morning became oppressively hot but when the air conditioner was turned on no cooling came out. Meister's was called and and we were put on the schedule for a repair man to come out in the afternoon. We had a lot of volunteers working so the office became over heated very quickly. The windows were opened but then it started raining again so the window bringing in the air had to be quickly shut. Somehow, someway we all got along even in the heat and finished most of the work before lunch. Mom got lunch ready and we ate in shifts. Caleb from Meister's arrived, found the problem and got it fixed for the afternoon so Marvin, Bill and I stayed until all the Bible requests were entered. That means I don't have to go in to work tomorrow. Special thanks to those 2 volunteers going above and beyond the call of duty. Below are the pictures of Tuesday.

And of course we need a picture of the repair man from Meister's. This is Caleb:
We were so very thankful to have cool air for the afternoon.

Saturday, July 8, 2017

A Big Mail Day

AS the 4th of July was Tuesday and a holiday the Berean office was closed which left lots of work for the Thursday volunteers. Thankfully we had some of the Tuesday helpers come on Thursday.

We got all the studies entered on the computer and most of them labeled before I had to leave. I'm not sure how long the rest of the volunteers stayed or how much they got finished but one thing I'm sure of is that there will be plenty for the Tuesday group in 3 days.