Mark was able to come back after his unexpected surgery in Arizona. We put him right to work on the computer.
Robin was hard at work getting the studies all folded and ready to be mailed out.
Glenna (the volunteer in red) was welcomed back with open arms. We were thrilled to see her, especially today when there was plenty to do. Chuck and Glenna went right to work opening the mail.
Shirley (volunteer in yellow) was back after missing first for her total knee operation and then last week the unexpected triple bypass surgery her son had.
Vonnie arrived to help with the mail while Robin checked out what we were doing in this room.
Marvin came in to help Chuck with the labels.
Megan was big help today.
We know she won't be here long as she will be heading to Mexico soon but we were thrilled she stopped in today. She was put to work organizing the letters and studies keeping everything flowing smooth. Mom was back from her trip to China. Below she is sealing envelopes.
Jeanette is always so willing to do what ever is needed. Below she is sweeping up the computer room.
As soon as the mail was all opened and labeled, Robin put them to work stuffing envelopes.
Leila, Glenna and mom had a lot of catching up to do once all the work was done.
We had a very productive day and thank everyone for generously giving their time to process the studies, letters and mail out the Bible requests. The prisoners anxiously wait for mail call and for some of them this is the only mail they receive.