Thursday, March 16, 2017

Movie Maker

We had an amazingly productive day at the Berean office. It may be because of the help that arrived or just maybe because we had a visitor come in to video this office. There was plenty to do for everyone. There were so many wonderful volunteers all helping and having a good time it was like a big party in these two rooms.
 We had a good amount of mail come and quite a few letters to be read. Above Jeanette is showing a touching letter to Ken while Chuck and Shirley open mail. At the other table Shirley, Jeanette, Eva Jean, Edie and Roma (not pictured) are hard at work opening the mail.

 Above Ken is asking Chuck what he is working on and Below is Tim, who just happened to bring his massive movie maker. Tim is making a short video clip of what happens in this office and will include the clip with the rest of what is happening at this little prison ministry that seems to impact thousands of people all over the world.

 The printer was giving a bit of trouble today, Marvin is the expert on that so Bill was quick to call him over. Between the two of them they got us up and running. Leila, Marvin, Dave and Kathy were the readers today with Jeanette and Shirley helping on that big job. Below Maddie is preparing envelopes for us to use with the labels as they are printed. 
 Joan and Bill arrived with 3 of their daughters just in time. Spark arrived with a pallet load of Bibles that needed to be unloaded, stacked and then stuffed and wrapped. 

 Vonnie and Jan worked on separating studies by number then giving the stacks of envelopes for stuffing to the willing workers sitting at the table. Edie and Roma are great at filling envelopes. The prisoners look forward to getting mail and the quicker we make the turn around the bigger the impact can be on a hungering soul.
 A bit later that table was cleared off for the big job of wrapping Bibles. Dave took command of that operation and kept everyone busy stuffing and wrapping Bibles. Below is our handy man Bruce. He was refilling the stamp pads with ink as most of our return address stamps were running out. Thankful he knows how to do that and is willing to get inky fingers.
At the end of the morning I caught Tim down on his knees. He was probably saying Thank you for getting him out of that chaos. Either that or maybe he was just putting his equipment away. This office gets loud as the many voices ask questions, visit and exclaim over a touching letter or two. 

We are all glad for the lunch break. Mom brought in a delicious beef stew served with a lettuce salad, deviled eggs, garlic bread, strawberries, oranges and two kinds of cake for dessert.
The letters still need to be entered and the Bible labels printed out but that will need to wait until next week. A big thank you to all who came out to help today.

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