Thursday, June 1, 2017

We Got Muscle!

I was so very thankful Joan, her children and grandchildren came today to the Berean office. We had a pallet of Bibles delivered and THEY unloaded the entire pallet. But even before the Bibles arrived they all just went right to work. Below they are placing stamps on all the studies that had been graded and returned to church.
 When the Bibles arrived the children formed a chain and were able to unload pretty quickly. Is this against any child labor laws? Surely NOT. These kids were GREAT.
 Joan was needed to step in and direct. She would hand the boxes to them and tell them exactly where to put them. 

 Once the Bibles were unloaded they all went to work stuffing and wrapping them and finished at least 10 boxes before running out of return address labels. Those will need to be printed next week. Below Berlica is taking a quick snack break. 
 Yep those blue berries are GOOD, just look at that smile. 
 In the other room Edie, Roma, (Bill S, Chuck not pictured) and Mark were busy opening mail, reading letters and applying labels. 
 Bill C was the main worker on the computers today. He even took Marvin's job and printed out all the certificates for the week. 
 As soon as all the studies were entered the workers went into the next room to stuff, seal and stamp.
We finished with most of the work by noon and took a good half hour lunch break before finishing the rest of the jobs. So very thankful when volunteers will take an entire morning plus some of the afternoon out of their busy lives to help with this program. The prisoners hunger for the Word and love getting mail. They look so forward to getting their graded papers back and love the comments the graders put on the lessons. Thank you Thank YOU!
Don't forget to MARK your calendars for June 16th, 2017:
You WON'T want to miss this show held at Expo Gardens in Peoria IL. Click on the picture above to read more. NOTE we are going to start earlier than the flyer says, so show up at 5:30 pm to learn roping from Dr. Marty Langhofer, watch the Friesian stallion Evan perform then sit back and enjoy Lew's SHOW.

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