Friday, July 5, 2024

Fedi's Romanian Update

 2024 May and June First, we thank you for your faithfulness in prayer and your sponsorship of the prison ministry in Romania. Berean Prison Ministry is a mission with a good reputation in the country. Thank you for your delegation that encouraged us in the ministry as we had Kenneth Helmuth, Fedi Davidovics, Zimmerman J. David. We also thank the Davidovics family for donating 6700 dollars for the volunteers.

We had the honor to welcome the Mciuc Prison leadership and Mrs. Ioana Morar to the annual meeting for volunteers. Later, we met with Mr. Dan Halchin, general director in Bucharest at the National Administration.
We visited 17 prisons, including 6 units where we still do not have a weekly bible study traveling 6200 kilometers (3850 miles). At these meetings, Fedi Davidovics presented the Gospel not only to the inmates but also to the management of the units. We visited 6 churches where Fedi Davidovics presented his testimony and our mission (Tiagani Church in MCiuc, Gheorgheni Baptist Church, 
Bucharest-Glina Baptist Church, Prejmer Baptist Church, Botosani New Things Independent Church and Babadag Baptist Church).
Another remarkable thing to note is our presence on Christian television and radio serving Romania's evangelical community. Credo TV is watched by satellite even the Romanian diaspora in Europe, half a million people.
In detail. It started with the meeting of the volunteers in the city of MCiuc. The volunteers confessed how God works in the lives of the inmates. We also listened to the testimony of a former prisoner who successfully reintegrated and turned to faith in Jesus, invited by Costin Dumitru. Another guest we had a pastor who intends to start a weekly program in Rahova Prison. He wanted to know our ministry and now he wants to serve the Lord among the inmates. Mrs. Ioana Morar encouraged us with the statement that the Bible has changed more lives than all the psychologists combined and the work of evangelization has an essential role in the effort of social reintegration in the Romanian prison education.
The next day, Sunday, we visited the Gypsy Church in MCiuc, where we received the biblical message of your delegation. Unfortunately, we also had an unpleasant incident, a church member had a heart attack, for which the program was interrupted for half an hour. Many prayed and he recovered in the hospital, and now he is fine. After this, we went to the Gheorgheni Baptist Church where we participated in the divine service, including Fedi Davidovics’ evangelization. After that, we were invited to the local pastor for dinner. On Monday we visited Mciuc Prison. The management of the institution is very proud that 20 years ago Berean Prison Ministry for Romania started and expanded from here. On their Facebook page and in the local newspaper, they made public their satisfaction that they have an uninterrupted collaboration with this reputable organization. The ministry started by Fedi Davidovics was continued by Kovendi Levente and Circota Ioan. Currently, the volunteer team here consists of five people.
On Tuesday we visited the National Administration in Bucharest. We had a very good reception. Mr. General Director Dan Halchin thanked us for the faithfulness with which we serve in penitentiaries. Our collaboration is fruitful. Brother Viorel Sintoiu was also present on behalf of the volunteers. He will work as a leader with the volunteers from the southern part of the country. The Romanian Parliament was also visited. 

The next day in Rahova Prison, Mr. director Geo-Bogdan BURCU welcomed us with love. We visited the unit that serves the capital, it is a model unit of the country. We also met with a group of detainees. We also met a life convict who told us about his life. Here we were also invited to a lunch where Mr. General Director Dan Halchin and Mrs. Ioana Morar were also present. Everything happened in a friendly atmosphere. After the meal, the delegation visited the Bucharest-Glina Baptist Church where Brother Nae Marian is the pastor. This pastor wants to become a volunteer for PRahova.
In Gaesti Prison, our organization also received a diploma. I had a good reception. Here our volunteer is Costin Dumitru who works faithfully. He invited us to his home. He works on a charity mission. The association he leads is known in the southern part of the country. This night we said goodbye to brothers Ken and Zimmerman.
On Friday we visited Giurgiu Prison. Meeting with the director and her staff. Program with prisoners. Invitation for the weekly program. Viorel knows a pastor who can put us in contact with potential volunteers. We pray for this.
On Sunday, Brother Dragu Angel welcomed us to his church in Prejmer. He works with correspondence. It was a blessed meeting.
On Monday in PCodlea we had another surprise to receive another diploma. Here Viorel Sintoiu is the local volunteer. Fedi held evangelism with a positive impact.
In TgMures Prison, in addition to Fedi’s evangelization, we met with an old friend of the mission, Mrs. Cristina Andreica. This was the second penitentiary in the country after MCiuc. Our volunteers Doczy and Andras Attila have been in service for 17 years.
The next day I visited Bistrita Prison where I had a very good reception from the management. The inmates listened very carefully Fedi's life story, with which they could identify a lot. The local volunteers offered us a meal. Brother Dantus was full of joy to welcome us with love in his funny style.
The next day we traveled with Andras Attila to Gherla Prison, where we held evangelization for women. Attila's songs were received with many emotions.
After that, Fedi visited the widow of the former director of MCiuc. It was a meeting full of emotions, but also an opportunity to share the consolation of the Lord Jesus.
Then we went to Satu Mare Prison together with the local volunteer Ivaniczki, and in addition to the meeting with the management, we also met with a group of inmates where Fedi shared his testimony and called the participants to repentance.
After a long journey, we arrived in Moldova, the city of Botosani. Our local volunteer invited us to his church. The next day I also visited the penitentiary. I had a good reception.
The inmates were very attentive, they expect to meet regularly with our volunteers.
Hutu Ioan is a barber, he welcomed Fedi to his workshop.
He also helped us to repair our car at a good friend of his.
We were well received in Iasi Prison. They showed us two workshops where inmates work, after which we met with inmates who don't have much time until they are bound. The hall was filled with people who wanted to listen to Fedi. I served here for two years before the pandemic. The volunteer who  continued the mission here recently gave up and we don't have anyone to study the Bible for now. We pray that the Lord will bring a new man. Pray for this. It was a joy to see the educator from that time in the position of deputy director. Pray for this.
In Bacau Prison we also signed the guest of honor book, and they took a picture to commemorate our meeting. Here we were invited to a mini-concert by talented young people in music. We don't have a volunteer here either.
We were well received in PFocsani as well. Evangelization among prisoners. Pray that we don't have volunteers here either.
In Vastui Prison meeting and festive lunch with the management.
Evangelization among prisoners. Please pray because we don't have volunteers here either.
Last week we visited three prisons (Poarta Alba, Braila, Slobozia) where our volunteer Baboi Marian holds weekly Bible studies.
The management is very satisfied with his work. They praised him for his faithfulness.
Fedi held evangelism in each prison.
My wife also participated in these visits.
We interrupted these visits and went to the other end of the country in Timisoara to make the recordings for television and radio.


Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Special Treat

 Ruth, mom and I left for the Berean office around 8:15 am. We arrived there at 8:45 am to find most people already hard at work. We had a visitor today and were really thankful to have Bruce back to run the postage machine. 

Above Vonnie has just gotten a phone call from her son Wes and left shortly after that to pick him up. Below we have just had our prayer and Marvin is giving us an update.
It must  have been a serious update, look at all the sober faces.
We really do need prayers, we are struggling to get the prisons and jails to give the Bible to the prisoner who requested one. We get the request letter and send the Bible out that day then a week later it will come back with some ridiculous reason such as they are not allowed to have any religious material in that facility, or leather books aren't allowed (ours are NOT leather) and another reason is no stickers are allowed. Vonnie made it back with her son Wes.
Of course we put him right to work.
Kathy made the treat today and that REALLY was a treat. She makes this home made peach/blueberry cake that is so moist and she brought it hot out of the oven and topped it with whipped cream.
A huge thank you for that special cake.
Below is a short video of some of the jobs that got done today.
Another fantastic Tuesday at the Berean office.

Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Hardly Enough

 I was almost the last to arrive and yet I was 10 minutes early. This group of volunteers are so punctual. We didn't have a lot of mail again but there was work to do.  As soon as the letters were processed Vonnie and Shirley went to work on wrapping Bibles. Skip told us he was going to get another load in. The Bibles are actually burgundy. Kathy asked why they weren't black and Skip told us the very same Bible in black was $3.00 more so burgundy it is. We all aagreed. 
At 9:30 am when Marvin's phone went off we all gathered in the other room for the prayer and updates. Shirley on the right of the picture was trying to finish the intermediate studies while Marvin was explaining some of the prophecies of the 3rd Temple. 

Always fascinating to hear how the Lord works. We really are thankful when a prisoner that wrote to ask for a Bible actually received the Bible. The the first picture we had Skip entering after loading his car with studies going out, in the picture below Skip is going to start hauling out the Bibles that are getting mailed today while Shirley and Sharon pack another box of them. Vonnie is the supervisor, she prepares the boxes of studies, tells Skip what number lesson needs to be run off and how many she needs. She also knows when we need to wrap more Bibles. 
We really are thankful for each of these volunteers from the chaplains to the graders this program could not run without YOU ALL! The word thanks is hardly enough.


Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Large Loving

 Mom and I followed Ruth to Zanes so she could drop her van off for some repairs then from there we three drove to the Berean office. Skip had already dropped off the mail but then he had to leave for a meeting. Marvin, Vonnie, Sharon, Shirley and Ray were already there and hard at work by the time we arrived at 8:55 am. Kathy was not able to come as Dave, her husband, was scheduled for an angiogram. It took both Vonnie and Shirley to do her job.  The other Shirley was also not able to be here today. Marvin was hard at work at his computer. He is able to look up inmates to see if they are still in prison and if so their addresses. 

Ruth and mom were busy with the return address stamp.
I got the studies entered so Sharon and Ray could get them processed. Once the letters were read and processed they went into the other room to work on getting more studies folded and the Bibles ready for mailing.

When Joan N arrived to pick up studies for grading Ruth yelled from that room into the computer room, "Judy your friend is here!"  I responded, "she is not my friend, she is my sister (in the Lord which was unspoken). To be honest she is BOTH! Of course everyone of the Berean volunteers are counted both as friends and brothers and sisters in the Lord. We really are a part of God's family that work here and all of us are blessed by being able to do the work. We sure have a large loving family and I'm thankful.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024


 Mom and I were the first to arrive at the Berean office. Skip pulled in even before we were out of the van. We had a decent amount of mail today AND 25 Bible requests. Kathy was busy with lots of letters. 

It was great to have Marvin back. There was plenty of catch up work for him. He had our 9:30 am prayer. Mom and Sharon got almost an entire box of 500 envelopes stamped with our return address. 
Below Skip is getting the Bibles ready for mailing while Vonnie and Shirley work on stuffing studies.
It really was a good morning working together with willing volunteers. 
 Joan N came by to get studies for grading and brought us something to laugh about. There are laws for prisoners, laws for the jail mailrooms, laws citizens and Joan brought us the laws of a toddler. Below are the property laws for a preschooler.
We always say this program could not do nearly as much good without volunteers.