Tuesday, October 31, 2023

Good Amount

 We were very pleasantly surprised by how much mail we had this morning. Enough to keep everyone busy opening. 

The other wonderful surprise was someone...Lukey maybe.. left us delicious home made decorated cookies. They were exceptional, I had TWO. A big thank you to whoever left them.  Before we ate our cookies though we had to finish the work. Below some of the group is working on Bibles, Marvin is printing out Bible studies.  Some were stuffing envelopes and mom was sealing the envelopes.

Jerry stopped in to pick up studies for Tazwell county jail.
Below is a video of some of the activities.

Tuesday, October 17, 2023


 We had a disappointing morning. Every Bible we sent anywhere in the state of Texas was returned even though we sent it to the address they gave us. We really do not know how to get Bibles to prisoners in that state at this time. Skip is trying to call each chaplain but there are so many jails and prisons we have been sending them to it is a huge job. Kathy and Leila had to spend quite a lot of time writing each prisoner of a returned Bible why we cannot supply the Bible. I was busy on the computer and only took two pictures today. 

The video below was taken at a few different times. The end of the video is Marvin telling us about his trip to Israel and a more.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Glad to Be There

 Mom, Aunt Jinnie and I arrived at the Berean office before 9:00 am to find a good group of volunteers already hard at work. We joined right in. 

After our 9:30 am prayer Marvin told us a little about his amazing trip to Israel. That is included in the video below:
We are now holding all Bible requests for anywhere in the state of Texas. We had 10 Bibles come back this week. Skip has been calling those jails and prisons to see if he can ask if we can send the Bibles directly to the Chaplain and have the Chaplain deliver the Bibles.  Each week Joan stops in to pick up studies to be graded by her and others. She actually prays over each study before she delivers it to the grader. 
Vonnie had a lot of work today getting packets ready to mail out for Skip. Sharon and Aunt Jinnie were helping her.
Kathy made the decorated brownies for our treat today.
They were really delicious.  We had a good morning and were thrilled to be there. 

Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Desperate For the Good News

When mom and I pulled in at 8:50 am there were already volunteers there working. Mom went right to work stamping our return address on 500 envelopes. Most of the mail had already been opened but the Bible studies needed to be interfered on the computer. 

It is amazing how everyone that comes knows what to do and is happy to do it.

Kathy is always the last to finish as she has to read and answer some very hard letters. Today she and Skip were arguing which one needed to take the 12 page letter home to read. It was all in fun and Kathy answered that one by writing to him that we are sending him and Bible and a study.
I am so grateful for these wonderful volunteers that so willingly give of their time to help with this program. So many prisoners are desperate for the good news of Jesus and we are very glad to share this good news with them.