The best news of the day was Chuck was back, just 3 short weeks after a hip replacement, and he brought his sister Mim and her husband Lynn.
Lynn and Mim came all the way from South Carolina to help out at the Berean office. They are regular graders of the studies and we were thrilled that they spent the morning and even some of the afternoon helping and learning all that happens here at this office.
Our other visitor, one who had never been here outside the womb but many time inside was Riley, Rebekah's new daughter. Rebekah brought Riley for us along with a special gift from the Roanoke church. A bag FULL of stamps. We didn't count them right then but there were at least 40 rolls of first class stamps PLUS a check from someone of a $100.00 to buy more stamps.
We SO much appreciate this donation and want to send a special thank you to all who donated. These stamps will be used for God's Kingdom, sending Bible studies to prisoners all over the United States. Below Roma is looking for an address, while at the back table Edie is organizing all the studies by number. Chuck is supervising Mim (his sister) on the correct way to stuff while Lynn (Chuck's brother-in-law) seals the envelopes.
We had a little fight today over who gets to take the studies back to be graded. Anna, far right in the picture below, had asked for 2 tubs of studies for the Princeville church this week. Rebekah was hoping to take a tub for the Roanoke church, and Mim and Lynn wanted to take a tub back to South Carolina.
How this was settled was Anna took both tubs from today, Tuesday's mail will go to the Roanoke church and Chuck would take Lynn and Mim to the Peoria church and take the studies that had been left there from last week.
It is such a blessing to know these will be graded quickly and mailed back to the prisoners. When we get too many at the Peoria church sometimes it takes over a month to get the graded studies back to the prisoners. We had SUCH a great day today working together. To our volunteers this week Thank you thank you! Sometimes those words just don't seem to be enough to let people know exactly how much they are appreciated.