With Thanksgiving holiday last Thursday we were not able to get any Bibles out last week. Yesterday the letters were entered and the Bibles labels were printed then today when Marie and her boys showed up they went right to work stuffing, labeling and packing the 356 Bibles into my little Toyota car.
The rest of the volunteers were very busy opening the hundreds of studies and letters that came today. Bruce started us out today with a prayer. The printer which gave us fits last Tuesday worked perfect today, not jamming at all today. Prayer works..Below in the next two pictures everyone in this room is hard at work.

We all work well together and after each Tuesday or Thursday I'm just amazed at what gets accomplished in this office. Today we had 2 very full mailboxes of mail and every request, letter, study was opened and processed. Well almost every letter or study. There are always a few that come in with a name only, sometimes only a first name, no number, no address and no way for us to reply. Those studies or letters just have to be thrown away. Then we get some letters that say this is the 3rd time they have requested a Bible or study but we have no record of them ever requesting...hmmm maybe there just might be a correlation. David opened a pretty amazing letter today. The prisoner said he had written and requested to start his studies back up as he had not heard anything from us for about 2 months, but no response. Then another prisoner who he had never met before came up to him and said, "God said you were suppose to give me your Bible." He said at first he was not going to but then he listened to his testimony and realized the man was heading to prison so he gave it to him. and then he got another Bible from us which he had not requested. He writes, "not sure how I got signed up to receive the new one today but its very much a blessing to have the exact same one I just gave back again. The Lord does move in mysterious ways & all things together for good" Now that is weird, we don't send out Bibles if they are not requested so exactly how did that happen? God truly does works in mysterious ways.
He concludes his letter in this touching way, "Your ministry and your families are a daily fixture in my prayers and will continue to be going forward. Its such an important work you do for God and the great many lives that are touched by your ministry. My God bless you Always!
Lukie and Wayne provided our lunch today.
We had special order pizza from Monicals, salad, fruit, vegetables and for dessert Lukie's home baked angel food cake made with 11 egg whites and all kinds of delicious ingredients then topped with vanilla bean ice cream and peaches. That set the taste buds dancing in delight!
The line was pretty long for this delicious lunch so Jeanette decided to get some work done while waiting her turn. We all decided the meal was great. Thanks Lukie and Wayne!
Just as lunch was finishing up a man came to the office door carrying a beautiful flower arrangement for Lukie and Wayne. They will be celebrating their 56th wedding anniversary and one of their daughters sent the flowers.
We were finished by 1:30 with everything except loading the studies into the car. This should be an easy job. We had 1 full box to go to church, 3 mailboxes full to go to the post office. The back of the car was opened and then we stood their shocked. The car was stuffed to the top with Bibles ready to be mailed. I made the remark I still had to fit mom in too. Mom quick jumped in the front seat before we started filling that spot. I should have borrowed Mark's van today. We were able to get everything in and even got the doors all shut but once on the road could not see out of any of the side or back windows. Glad we arrived safe at the post office.