With great gratitude and thanks, we think of you in our hearts dear my Friends! Thank you very much for all the support that you have given us, and by doing so, you are taking a large part in the spread of the Kingdom of God here in the Gyergyó Basin in Romania! I think it is important to emphasize that in this area there is an almost 100% Hungarian ethnic group who have never experienced a spiritual awakening before, and even the Reformation did not get here. People here practice dark, superstitious, lifeless, coercive religiosity and most are very the poor compared to the European average. In this environment, we have been serving God's calling between Hungarian and Roma people for more than 12 years.
Our church, the Gyergyószentmiklós Baptist Community, and the local mission association established by the congregation, the Helping Hands Association, carry out the mission activities fully together.
2019 was a very blessed year for our mission! God has blessed our work better than ever before! We were able to launch new missionary services and strengthened our existing services. As a result, more than 50 among the Hungarian people gave their lives to Jesus, mostly men, 35 of them have already been baptized and joined our church, and the attendance at our church has doubled.g the Hungarian people gave their lives to Jesus, mostly men, 35 of them have already been baptized and joined our church, and the attendance at our church has doubled.
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