Tuesday, November 1, 2022

A Good Work

 I'm back after missing 2 weeks of volunteering at the Berean office and was pleased to see they had kept up with all the work. When mom, Aunt Jinnie and I arrived they were Vonnie, Shirley and Justin were already hard at work preparing Bibles for mailing. In the other room Leila and Marvin were reading letters while Bruce worked the postage machine and Benj and Skip worked on the computer. 

Mom and Aunt Jinnie went right to work on envelopes while waiting for the first batch of studies to be processed on the computer.
The address stamp mom was using was running out of ink. Below Bruce is working to fill it.
Once the first batch was entered and the labels printed Aunt Jinnie finished processing the studies.
Below she is filling the second envelope with the prisoner's next batch of 4 studies.
Once those envelopes were sealed they were put in the pile for mailing.
Bill arrived to help with what ever needed doing. He shared the news that he is traveling up to Mayo Clinic tomorrow so please pray for Bill that the doctors there could find a treatment and start it soon. We don't know why Bill is going through such a hard time but he really does covet your prayers. We are praying for complete and ultimate healing.
Below Aunt Jinnie is filling the intermediate studies while Justin works on Bibles and Vonnie is folding the studies to be used next week.
Below is a short video of some of the work.
We were pleased that 75 Bible request came in today. The Bibles were loaded into the back of the wheel chair van and we dropped them off at the Hanna City post office on our way home. A VERY good morning's work.

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