We had a lot of mail today at the Berean office and thankfully plenty of volunteers to help process this mail. Marvin was back from Gulf Shores where he and his family rode out Hurricane Sally. He told us a little about how that came to be and how he would never want to do that again. We did not expect to see Kathy as her mother in law passed away on Sunday. Marvin and Leila were thrilled when she arrived as there were so many request letters to be read.
Aunt Jinny, Shirley, Shirley and mom went right to work opening the mail. Just a side note today was Shirley L's birthday and no one thought to bring her a birthday cake to share.
Mark's wife Cathy sent home baked delicious cinnamon rolls for our treat today.
Bill the director of Berean Prison Ministry arrived. We are always thankful when he comes. Bill takes all the Bibles and studies to the Peoria post office for mailing each week.
We ran out of stamped envelopes so Bruce went to work running the postage meter machine. This is his last week here for a while as Bruce will be working on harvest for the next few weeks.
As soon as the mail was all opened and the labels finished mom and Shirley went out to the other room to work on stuffing the outgoing mail.
Joan arrived to take mom to her doctor appointment.
The other Joan arrived to pick up Bible studies for grading for her church. We are so thankful for graders and very very thankful other churches in our area are willing to help with this big job.The last job of the day was to wrap Bibles. We sent out over 70 today and didn't have many left of the wrapped Bibles. With everyone working we were able to stuff and wrap another 100 Bibles.
Above Bruce is putting them back in the boxes. We do this job in an assembly line with some of us stuffing the first 4 lessons and a welcome letter in each Bible, someone else putting the stuffed Bible in a sleeve and sealing it, someone else applying the address labels, the next person applying the return address, someone else applying the postage stamp and the last person putting the Bible back in the box. It is amazing how quickly we can get this job done. After the last job is done for the day we sit down and enjoy coffee and if we are really blessed dessert by Cathy.
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