Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Learning To Save

Bill, the new director of Berean Prison Ministry came in to the office today to teach us how to save big bucks. We are now going to be applying non for profit stamps on the Bible studies. We just have change how we go about getting the studies graded. In the past we would just apply the first class stamps to each envelope and attach the envelope with the study to be graded. Once the grader finished they would just put it in the envelope, seal the envelope and mail it off. Now all the mail must come back to our office to be stamped AFTER it is graded. We will need to put boxes out at the different churches that grade and once a week collect those boxes of graded envelopes. At our office we will apply the stamps and separate them they way the post office requires for non profit mail. Below Bill is showing us a roll of 3000 non for profit stamps.He compared that will the price of 3000 first class stamps and the savings was huge.
Below we are all listening intently
Bill explained how the studies will need to be divided up to go to the post office.
We are all willing to try, after all this could save Berean over $50,000 a year in postage. We had a good group of volunteers today with 2 brand new volunteers. Bob and Bernetta came today for the first time and we were very grateful for their help.They live next to Eva Jean and were willing to bring her to help also.
We had most of the regulars come to with just a few missing. Below Marvin and Bill are trying hard to figure out the spelling of the name on one of the studies.
 While Dave and Leila try to understand what this letter is requesting.
 Chuck and Bruce were opening mail then applying labels.
 We broke for lunch just before noon.

Marie was trying to get a few more studies done while waiting for the food line to go down a bit. 
The fellowship that happens during our work at this office is so very heart warming. We are all people who want to serve and are thrilled that there is work we CAN do. A big big thank-you to all who came today and worked so willingly.

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