Even though we are all busy working at the Berean office, the laughter that bursts out at any given time is infectious. It seems when one of us starts laughing the rest of the volunteers are quick to join in. One of the helpers that seem to keep us in chuckles is Marvin L. He is a riddle asker and when we give up on the answer sometimes just have to groan at his response. We also learned he really likes potato chips and brings them into the second room to snack on while opening mail. He says this is the only time he gets these unhealthy full of salt but flavorful snack as his wife Jane won't buy any. Shirley, pictured with him just had to laugh when he carried the chips in and set them down on HIS table.
Chuck is another volunteer that keeps us in stitches. Today the coffee was just a little too strong but Chuck told us it was great as he was twitching from all the caffeine. Below he is standing tall now that his hip has been replaced. It wasn't that long ago he was rolling around on the chair to do his job.
I arrived a few minutes late today, really not more than 2 minutes but the room was already full of volunteers that had already started working. Marvin is in charge of making sure the computers and monitors are all up and running. Sometimes these pieces of equipment keep him running...running for help.
Below Marie showed up early to enter some studies that were left from another day. Marie also keeps the copier running almost the entire time we are in the office working. We hear the constant thump thump of that machine as it spits out 130 copies a minute.
Mom provided the lunch today. As a reward for that she was given letters to read, lots of letters. Actually those are kind of hard to read, the hand writing can be atrocious.
One letter came in today that was written very neatly. It was signed Dr. T-----N and this doctor was in prison asking for a Bible. Marvin said this man couldn't possibly be a doctor the hand writing was
way to legible. Jeanette usually comes in a little late (she needs to get the mail opened first at her business) picks up work to do and goes into the other room to do it. Jeanette only stays for lunch if we are serving chocolate and not just any chocolate, she loves chocolate candy.
Leila, Marvin and Kathy were the other readers today. We are very thankful for Kathy and her smart phone. So many times she needs to look up addresses or zip codes for the people entering the studies. We do not have internet here.
Everyone is hard at work in the picture below. Doesn't it look like this room would be quiet as everyone concentrates. Today the room was so full of chatter that I truly wished I could have had a recording.
Marvin and Chuck are busy below applying labels to envelopes and then the envelopes to the correct studies.
We took our lunch break at noon. Marie and I had not finished entering so were busy working until the rest sat down then came in to join them.
The soup today was delicious. Mom made plenty and some of us went back for seconds. This was served with crackers and cheese, grapes, strawberries, chips, pumpkin loaf, brownies and cinnamon rolls. Today we feasted!
After lunch came the stuffing and sealing of envelopes.
We finished up around 2:00 pm, loaded the car up with 2 mail boxes full of studies to be mailed out and 1 box of studies to be taken to church for grading. Another amazing fun day at the Berean office today. A big big
thank you for the wonderful fellowship along with the amazing amount of work finished in a few hours. I thank you and the prisoners thank you even more. They look so forward to this mail, love the comments left by the graders and absolutely love getting good grades. We had one prisoner write that this was the first thing in his entire life that he had ever finished. He was so thankful for the certificate and had to tape it up on his cell wall so he could look at it each day.