Thursday, October 1, 2015

Letters, Lots of Letters

Today we had a light mail day at Berean giving me a few extra minutes to find a few nice letters to bring home for this blog. Just click on each letter to make it large enough to read. Scroll down for the rest of the pictures.

We get hundreds of letters each week. Some are angry they are in jail, some are grateful for the gift of a Bible, some are obvious begging letters, some are touching and some are heart breaking.  We say the heart of this ministry is the letters. When our volunteers are readers they really learn what this is all about and thankfully keep coming back to help. Below are a few pictures from today's work. Marie brought Timmy and Justin in this morning just in time to help unload a pallet of Bibles.Below Timmy is getting a well deserved treat out of the fridge.
 Dan came in to repair our lesson box which collapsed over the weekend. Below Vonnie and Eva Jean are stuffing Bibles for wrapping.
 Rachel is busy reading letters.
 Edie, Roma and Anna are busy with studies.

 Below we are all busy wrapping and labeling the Bibles then stacking them in the car for mailing.
 Chuck was put to work labeling studies. 
 Diane R is amazing, we give her a job and she quietly and quickly gets it done. She is one of our multi task volunteers.
 Not quite sure what Edie and Rachel are working on but I'm sure it was something needed.
Today was a good day. We finished early enough we could relax during our lunch meal without feeling like we must scarf down the food.  A big big thank you to everyone that helps support this ministry. One of the many graders sent this today by email: THEY LOVED OUR BIBLE STUDIES and want more.....
(Can you guys really manage all this stuff??----sure hope so.)
Please send the second series of Bible Study lessons to:.. and then there were names of those who finished the first set of 50 and want to continue. Yes we can do this.

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